Wow, the first blog post, which is happening while on my first Megabus ride. I am not sure that I thought blogging would ever be something I did, and I feel pretty ambivalent about it. I have no idea what I expect it to be, or what it will actually be. I also consider myself naive, or at best a novice, when it comes to blogging and almost all of the topics I will be writing about: Thailand, Buddhism, social justice, spirituality, volunteering, and myself. I did, however, create a website for this purpose, so I better use it.
I am creating this blog with the hope that it allows you to experience my journey more eloquently and comprehensively than if I tried to explain it upon my return. I hope that you will also understand some of the how and why I have changed when I return, but it may turn out to be a place where you recognize when I need some words of encouragement, helpful insight, or a good laugh. I would also be overjoyed if I can inspire a few others to sacrifice just a little bit to share love or create a more just world.
As this is my first dalliance with blogging, please let me know if you have suggestions for improvements as it develops. Depending on your relationship with me, you may be able to reach me through comments, direct email, infrequent texts, or Skype. At a minimum, I plan to avoid over-sharing, judging, or standing on a soapbox. Hopefully it will be interesting, insightful, and sometimes humorous.
Although I started this post talking about 2 firsts, today we also embark on one of our first tangible lasts. We are headed to the Detroit area to celebrate Susan’s parents’ 50th wedding anniversary. I am expecting it to be our last chance to visit St. Clair Shores until we return from Thailand.
In the hustle and bustle of packing, fundraising, preparing our finances, and all the other tasks, I hope to use moments like these to try and mentally prepare myself for what is to come. We have a lot to say good bye to, and it would be easy to tell ourselves we are just putting things on hold. The reality is that a year and 8,250 miles are likely to permanently alter our relationships with people, belongings, American culture, poverty, and in other ways we cannot imagine.