Today, I am sharing something a lot different. It is a poem that came to me back in December. I have been working on it ever since. It's not real long, so maybe you can muster the energy for it.
Running Alone
Sometimes it is easiest to go alone. This week I learn a lot by looking back at the experience of running with and without Susan. I also share updates about some recent changes and a lot of photos from a wonderful weekend we had in NongKhai.
We'll always have HoChiMinh!
3 vacation during a year of service, seems, well - luxurious and discordant. And honestly, it has been both. We have largely ignored our stipend and accepted the generosity of others to make vacations fabulous. Each of these vacations has come with mixed feelings and an appreciation for the privilege we have of seeing and learning from the world.I will never understand how I can fly to another country for $30, take an 8-hour bus ride for $15, eat a filling meal for $1.50, or 4 of us can get a good night’s sleep, warm shower, breakfast, and internet for under $30.
The Distance Grows
Just a day after his post discussing Simplicity, John has an ironic crisis when his iPhone suddenly (and it seems permanently) stops connecting to the internet. To John's bemusement, Susan gives this post 2 thumbs up with several loud cackles! John does find time to give a little thanks as well.