This week I bring you up to speed on the events since before Christmas: a touching moment at another Christmas Party, Vacation!!!, the New Year, and return to volunteer work life. Happy New Year or as they say in Thailand, Sawatdee Bee Mai!
Christmas Spirit
Another year removed from America leaves me with a critical eye on how I experience Christmas. This week I share a look into our volunteer life in Thailand during this holiday season, and a touch of the complexity surrounding those seemingly innocuous conversations.
The Thought that Counts
A few reflections on my relationship with Christmas, gift giving, and generosity. I try to find some understanding about the stress I feel around the holidays, I share a story about an embarrassing gift, and you will here a recording of Oh, Holy Night from the Catholic Church in NongKhai.
Christmas Camp
Well, with our first gift exchange on 12/17, and the big performance on 12/19 - we are in full-time Christmas mode. Luckily, last weekend the Christmas spirit unexpectedly arrived for me. The where (Thailand, Obviously!!), but the how is what today's post is about. I stripped it down as much as I could, I hope you get the sense and maybe (yimm) smile.