This week I bring you up to speed on the events since before Christmas: a touching moment at another Christmas Party, Vacation!!!, the New Year, and return to volunteer work life. Happy New Year or as they say in Thailand, Sawatdee Bee Mai!
Anniversary Politics
Written before and posted during, a little reflection about this and that. Happy 4th Anniversary to my wonderful wife!
It's So Real
Dealing with the tragedies of the past week has not been easy. I cannot say whether it is harder or easier than being at home, but it is definitely different. Much of the reading I have been doing surrounds social justice throughout the world. Much of the living I have done has helped me understand marginalization.
I should share with you that there are probably only two things unique about these posts: 1) you know me so that impacts how you process my words. 2) I am having this transition or awakening in a relative vacuum here in Thailand.
Otherwise, you can expect to hear the voice of yet another white male coming to understand his privilege. How that privilege has shaped a huge portion of my life, and how I interact with the world. There are at least hundreds, hopefully thousands of thousands of men like me out there who have had nearly the same experience. I am aware that many have already written about the experience, and have likely done it more eloquently.
Much of the content I will be sharing this week has been in the works for months. I cannot keep it to myself any longer, and I can no longer try to perfect it. I am putting it out there with its imperfections and the knowledge that I have no control over what will come. But maybe, just one person will begin their journey to greater understanding because of it. That hope is more than enough for me.
Compassionate Steps
Another day, and a bunch more reflective thinking. I feel like I am getting somewhere and still the same old me, but what do I know. I do sense that I am starting to find solid footing, and to be honest it feels pretty good.
'oneness' and 'otherness'
Well, I have certainly been seeing my perspectives shift over the last 6 months. I suppose this is one way of looking at things...
Susan shared a wonderful article with me that shed some additional perspective on my discussion. It is a short update. You can read the article here, or it is in the post as well.
The Treasure
To begin our vacation, Susan and I took the night train to Bangkok. We had a wonderful experience and also spoke with a nice Englishman. The experience caused me to stop and reflect on our relationship.
Today I wanted to share the story of a man who has come to our care center since my arrival. The name is fictitious, but the story is not. I hope you get a small sense of who he is and why he is important.
On the Hillside
Some days everything goes as planned, and somedays you end up wondering how you arrived where you ended up. I seem to always be surprised where I end up, but it does not take long to retrace my path and understand my journey.
just love
Today I'm talking about judgment, love, and caring across a few different environments. An attempt to understand and hopefully shed some personal baggage in final preparation for our flight on Saturday!