Our travels were absolutely wonderful, and I apologize for not checking in sooner. I expect to be resume blogging more regularly as we learn to again navigate the busyness of life in America. In the meantime, I wrote a blog for Good Shepherd Volunteers. Please click the link and read if you have the opportunity.
Happy? New Year.
This week I bring you up to speed on the events since before Christmas: a touching moment at another Christmas Party, Vacation!!!, the New Year, and return to volunteer work life. Happy New Year or as they say in Thailand, Sawatdee Bee Mai!
In Memorium
I really wanted to come out with some of the more happy times of the last few weeks, but I really needed to begin mourning this tragic passing first. Here is a short piece that does not do justice to the woman she was, our friendship, or what she meant to me, but those things are all too complicated to explain.
Reflection, Retreat, & Final Encouragement
Wow, it is hard to believe that we have already been here six months. In the midst of another full week, we were fortunate to have a mid-year retreat to clear our minds and prepare for moving forward.
I can't even think of a title...
A bit of a tougher week, I reflect somewhat on my inspirations, my difficulty formulating this post, and Susan and I attend a Thai funeral. My apologies for the delay, I almost had it completed but then I came down with a touch of a cold.
In The End
This week's post is kind of long and heavy, but it builds off of last week's differences in healthcare and adds in some differences in end-of-life care. Read through to the end for my exciting "New Feature", and I managed to upload some photos from a bicycling excursion Susan and I recently took.