Half a World Away

Half a World Away, healthcare and life look a lot different, there are a still a lot of similarities though. Today I discuss a recent visit to the hospital and visiting a very ill man.

I will warn you now that this is a long post that gets somewhat technical. I have struggled with it for over a week as I tried to decide how to approach it. The organization, decisions about content, and analysis all continue to frustrate me, but I thought it important to share.

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On Social Justice

On Social Justice

Good Shepherd Volunteers (GSV) is grounded in 4 tenets; social justice, simplicity, spirituality, and community. As we prepared our application for GSV in January, we spent time reflecting on each of the tenets and what they meant to us. I have been thinking it would be a good idea to spend some time reflecting on the tenets again in preparation for the commencement of our journey. I guess this is part 1.

Read on to here more about my thoughts on my growing role with regard to social justice, my thoughts on social justice in America, and what I think social justice may look like in Thailand.

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The Beginning

Wow, the first blog post, which is happening while on my first Megabus ride. I am not sure that I thought blogging would ever be something I did, and I feel pretty ambivalent about it. I have no idea what I expect it to be, or what it will actually be. I also consider myself naive, or at best a novice, when it comes to blogging and almost all of the topics I will be writing about: Thailand, Buddhism, social justice, spirituality, volunteering, and myself.  I did, however, create a website for this purpose, so I better use it. 

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