
'oneness' and 'otherness'

'oneness' and 'otherness'

Well, I have certainly been seeing my perspectives shift over the last 6 months. I suppose this is one way of looking at things...

Susan shared a wonderful article with me that shed some additional perspective on my discussion. It is a short update. You can read the article here, or it is in the post as well.

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What It's Like

What It's Like

Today's post is not very long, but I think I have finally started to find a way to describe how poverty is affecting me here. I am surprised by how long and how much processing it has taken me to just take these first few steps. My hope is that like running a marathon maybe the first few steps are some of the hardest, and understanding will come a bit more easily from here on.

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Christmas Camp

Christmas Camp

Well, with our first gift exchange on 12/17, and the big performance on 12/19 - we are in full-time Christmas mode. Luckily, last weekend the Christmas spirit unexpectedly arrived for me. The where (Thailand, Obviously!!), but the how is what today's post is about. I stripped it down as much as I could, I hope you get the sense and maybe (yimm) smile.

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Part 1: Depigmented in Thailand

Part 1: Depigmented in Thailand

Let it Begin! I am really excited to share my first Blog Series!!! I am tagging it the "SkinPigmentSeries". This is a topic that I have been thinking, reading, and learning a lot about for a long time, but certainly more intensely for the last 3 months. I will be keeping them shorter, like little vignettes. I hope they share some insight into another aspect of our experience here, and how it is affecting how I see the world.

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